
We're on Facebook

Sumo Feeder is now on Facebook!

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Better Visuals

A new background has been added. Slightly different graphics and a much higher resolution. In addition (and unfortunately not visible on screenshots), the balancing has been greatly improved.

Easy to learn, hard to master.


A First Bunch of Screenshots

Some Screenshots of the current version of Sumo Feeder.
Enjoy and don't hesitate to leave a comment!

Up and Running

Welcome to our development blog about Sumo Feeder.

Here, we will post updates about the development process of our iPhone game.
Once it's published and available in the App Store, this will be the place to find new information and game-related content.

Sumo Feeder is a puzzle game that requires both strategy and reaction. Made using the Unity engine, it features 3D graphics, Local and Online highscore, and many other features.

Stay tuned while we post updates about the development of Sumo Feeder on!